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Casidy ray

Irish wolfhound

Garden Lady

Casidy ray
*9.5.2016 – BROOD FEMALE Sire: Medwyn of Beltine, CHB Dam: C.I.B. Candy Casidy ray, JCHSK, CHSK, Grand CHSK, Výytavný CHSK, Slovak Super Grand Champion, Champion SKJ, CHA, CHSLO, Grand CHSLO,  CHHR, CHRO,  CHHU, CHCZ, Grand CHCZ, ChSRB, CHPl, Grand CHPL, Club Champion, Austria Champion of Champions 2014, 1st place TOP Dog Slovakia 2014 FCI X, 2nd place TOP Dog Slovakia 2014, 2nd place TOP Dog Slovakia 2015 FCI X, 1st place TOP Chrt 2014, 2015, 3rd place TOP Windhound 2013


Garden Lady Casidy ray
Garden Lady Casidy ray
C.I.B. Champion
Crotia Champion
Slovak Champion
Show Champion SK
Grand Champion SK
Junior Champion SK
Puppy Champion SK
4th place TOP Chrt 2018
4th place TOP DOG 2018 FCI X.
Club Champion SKCHCH
Garden Lady KCH
Garden Lady Casidy ray
Garden Lady Casidy ray

About Garden

Garden is our star. She was born pretty and she knows that better. Just like her mother Candy and grandmother Brave. She is the 4th generation of ours and she perfectly represents the way how Irish Wolfhounds should be looking and moving. 
About Garden

She loves showing herself

That means the dog shows with her are fun. She has friendly character after her grandmother. She loves small dogs and every person that will scratch her.  She is a comedian and she got her name by reason like all of my dogs. 

When there is something going on

That she can’t miss it. With her sister Geneth they are indivisible.  I was always easy, especially in a time of growing up and destroying everything. I still thing it was amazing to keep two sisters at home.