Casidy ray

Irish wolfhound


Casidy ray


Sire: JCHSK, CHSK, GrandCHSK Abelard Quite Soul
Dam: C.I.B. Garden Lady Casidy ray,
CRO-SK Champion, Slovak Show Champion, Grand Champion SK, Junior Champion SK, Puppy Champion SK, 4. miesto TOP Chrt 2018, 4th place TOP DOG 2018 FCI X., Club Champion SKCHCH


Cheryl KCH
Cheryl Casidy Ray

Hungarian Champion
Hungarian Show Champion
SK TOP DOG 2021 Irish Wolfhound
SK TOP DOG 2021 in X. FCI Group 3rd place
Champion SK Sighthound Club
Slovak Grand Champion
Slovak Beauty Champion
Romania Champion
Croatia Champion

Medical examinations

OCD clear, ED  0/0, HD A/A
Hearth check for DCM: 0 – 11.12.2023


Cheryl Casidy ray
Cheryl Casidy ray
Airport cup Nitra 2020
Cheryl a kone

About Cheryl

Cheryl was promised to stay with us before she was even born. When we confirmed the pregnancy with Garden, I told her that when the wheaton female will be born, she would stay at home with us.

About Cheryl

Cheryl was the only

wheaton female in the litter. The others were all brindle, so it was decided immediately. I use to say Brave is back with me – Cheryl’s wheaton great-grandmother. They are very similar – their appearance and nature, earless but very teachable, she likes to show off and she is goofing around as her great-grandmother was. 

She can be

led to every silly activity and she still enjoys it. She loves other dogs and other animals and according to the reaction of the coursing bait at her first training she will also be an excellent hunter.

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