Casidy ray

Irish wolfhound

Janis Joplin



Sire: C.I.B Highlander Flinstone CZ – SK – HU – WDK CH 

Dam: Imogen Flintstone Casidy Ray 


Hope Casidy ray
Hope KCH

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Hope Casidy ray
Janis Joplin Flinstone
Janis Joplin Flinstone
Janis Joplin Flinstone

About Janis

The decision to have one more little creature with us was made the moment Mom Imogen confirmed her pregnancy. Since Jana already had 6 adult Irish Wolfhounds at home and I only had 3, the great idea of co-ownership between us was born. I chose her when she was 2 days old and picked her name completely spontaneously. It was just a split-second idea – she’ll be Janis Joplin Flinststone.

About Janis


This little princess came to us as a new member of our dog family. Janis is co-owned by us and her breeder, Jana Müllerová, and she carries the bloodlines of both families that were present in our home before. On her mother’s side, she is our direct granddaughter of Gingerbread Casidy Ray, and she also carries the bloodline of our Dharma Dew.

Always on the move

So far, this connection is absolutely undeniable in her – she’s a little devil who can’t sit still for long and can’t stay calm. She fit perfectly into our family, has no respect for the adults, and quickly figured out that she can basically do whatever she wants with them. I already know that she’s going to be a great partner for various mischievous adventures.

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