Casidy ray

Irish wolfhound

Litter “CH”

We were born on 17.12.2019.
Všetky šteniatka majú svojich majiteľov a postupne sa rozchádzajú do nových domov.

We were born on 17.12.2019.

We were born in this order:
Green dog 530g – Chavier, owner: Irena Hulková/SK
Brown female 600g – Chloe, owner: Marie Doláková, CHS MAx mar/CZ
Red female 650g – Christin aka Freya, owner: Janka Dolinská/SK
Orange female 610g – Chantal aka Niamh, owner: Viktor Ács/H
Blue dog 680g – Che, owner: Petra Dole/NL
Yellow female 565g – Cheryl, stay with us in kennel Casidy ray
Beige female 585 g – Charleen, owner: Dominik a Janko Tverdík/SK 

V 8 týždni veku boli všetci testovaní na PSS (portosystemický skrat) s negatívnym výsledkom.
Kontrolou vrhu sme prešli bez straty desiatky a boli im odobraté stery na DNA testy.


DNA and heart examination


DNA and heart examination

Garden sa o deti vzorne starala a napriek tomu, že si na poľadovici roztrhla kolenný väz a musela na operáciu, keď mali šteniatka 7 týždňov, stihla ich naučiť všetko potrebné, čo od mamy potrebujú do života. Zvyšok už bol na mne a náhradnej mamine Dharme.
Všetci statočne zvládli odčervenie aj očkovanie. Postupne sa naučili cestovať autom a venčiť sa hromadne vo vinohradoch. To bola zvlášť zábava so všetkými 7 🙂

Our little naughty boy who spent almost 5 months with us due to quarantine and closed borders. Because of the rules of vaccination, we missed his trip home to the Netherlands in just one week. The borders were closed and that was it. So I tried to teach him everything he would need in his new home when he finally get there. It took more than a month, and even that I could not taken him to Netherlands , nor could his owner come for him here. We had to use a professional transport company from Czech Republic. Those Guys were great and finally, on May 8, 2020, Che could travel to his definitive mom. He traveled alone and all the way I had the opportunity to watch where they are at the moment , the guys sent photos from the walk and after 13 hours also a photo from the transfer to Petra. He managed the journey perfectly and immediately settled at home, as if he had always been there since the day he was born. His companion is his own uncle (Gavin Bryce Casidy ray) and according to photos from Petra (the owner) Che learns everything from him. I wish them happy, satisfied and, above all, a long life together.

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